
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

I'm Still Alive
Remember that time I recommitted myself to taking care of my blog a little bit better?

Yep, that clearly didn't happen. 

In any case, I'm still alive and well! Sorry I haven't been great at keeping everyone updated on my life in the MJM. I tend to myself that more than likely no one's reading this thing anyway, so why bother? But to those of you who have been keeping up with my blog, I apologize for my neglect. 

So in a nutshell, here's what's been going on in the life of Sister Glenn! 

I'm still in Meridian, currently serving with Sister Harr! She'll be going home after this transfer though, which means I'll pretty much for sure be staying here till after Christmas, making this the longest area I'll have on my mission. We have a lot more sisters going home than are coming out currently, so Sister Harr and I are now the only sisters in our district! That's a first for me! It's pretty weird, especially when it's time to sing at district meetings o_O but it's a new adventure. Pretty sad to see some really good sisters going home, but that's life on the mission, I suppose! 

Well, that pretty much sums it all up. I'm not gonna try to get any more detailed than that. But here's how this week went! 

On Monday we went to see our investigator, Cynthia. Elder Zwick came to visit our mission a couple weeks ago and told us that if we had appointments every Monday evening our baptisms in this mission would double, so we've really been trying to fill our Mondays up and I can already see the blessings coming from it! Cynthia is awesome; the other sisters met her tracting and when their area was taken over by elders me and Sister Harr got to keep her! She's very humble and knows the gospel is important, so she's making it a priority. Unfortunately she and her family suffered a great loss last week, so Monday was very hard for her. We returned with the elders the next day and she received a blessing. The Spirit was very strong in the room and I think it made a difference. We've come back to see her a few more times this week and she seems to be doing better. 

We had the fall festival at the church on Saturday! It was so much fun, and Cynthia and her whole family made it!!! It made me so happy. They seemed to have a blast, too. Sister Harr and I came as elders...but a lot of people that we were trying to be students at Hogwarts! Ha ha, I guess that works too :P 
Oh, and this was my favorite costume of the night! This little guy came as a temple worker. His parents were going to dye it yellow and have him come as the Man in the Yellow Hat from Curious George, but the fabric wouldn't dye, so they did something different! 

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