
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blessings from My Mission: Friends for Dayz!

I think there's a reason I put this blog to rest: I am the worst at keeping it up. For those of you who keep up on it, sorry about that. I'll try to do a little better.

I don't have a lot of time to day but I did want to make a quick post. A couple of weeks ago I was reminded of a huge blessing from my mission: Sister Dailey (er...Nicole...that never stops being weird with some people) and I were reunited with some of our absolute favorite people from our missions, the Bodins. In Disneyworld, of all places! Dreams really do come true!

It was a spectacular week and it was so good to be reunited with these marvelous people again (I'm still racking my brain for a way to thank them) but that's not my only point of this point. During the trip I was also reflecting on how before my mission, I kind of thought that everyone I met in Mississippi would be a temporary part of my life. I was so wrong (and I'm learning even more how wrong I was every day). I talk to several of my companions often and I see them whenever I'm in their area. I'm even going to be rooming with one of them in January when I start back at BYU Idaho. These sisters I originally thought I'd be parting ways with at the end of our time as companions have become some of my closest friends. And I still keep in contact with a lot of the people from my areas, too. It's just really amazing to see that the Lord had specific people for me to meet in Mississippi, not only so that I could bless them but so that they could bless and enrich my life.

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