
Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19, 2013

Well, everything's going great here in the MTC! I managed to survive my first week! It's been really hard. I think by the end of my first day I was dumber than I had been when I arrived! But they have since crammed me with much knowledge so I don't feel quite as unintelligent. I think I've learned more about the gospel this week than I have in my entire life! I don't think I've ever felt more exhausted--or humbled, for that matter. And yet I feel great! 

I was at the actual MTC for a total of about five minutes, and then I was immediately taken to the west campus located at BYU's Wyview apartments. We were told in our orientation that we had to swear never to tell the missionaries at the main campus how nice our rooms are. We get one companionship to a room rather than three, and we have a bathroom in our apartment instead of down the hall. I'd been told Wyview wasn't very nice before but if that's true the church has really cleaned it up. 

My companion, Sister Dailey, is simply wonderful. We're alike in many ways. She's also attending Utah State and is thinking about majoring in deaf education so we may see each other again when all of this is over! I also have an awesome district. I think people always say that but I truly stuck gold with these guys (I mean, Sisters and Elders--I'm working hard to break the habit of saying "guys"!) We hit it off with each other immediately. All of us sisters are going to Mississippi but the Elders are headed for Las Vegas so we'll probably never see them again! Kind of sad. 

So, the church is pretty smart. They've got everything so organized. There is, however, one thing that I think needs to be changed. I think mothers should be able to go with their daughters on their missions. Why? Well, to protect silly sister missionaries from ruining their entire wardrobe! Yep, that happened. 

Okay, not really. But, I did manage to ruin my skirt trying to iron it! I didn't recognize the material this particular skirt was made of so I just put the iron on medium and...yep. I definitely melted the material. I almost cried. If my dear mother would have been here to iron it for me that never would have happened! 

Well, I would have liked to say more, but my hour is up! I love you all! Sorry to those who sent me emails that I didn't have time to respond to today. Please know that I appreciate you keeping in contact with me and will do my best to message you back as soon as I can!

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