
Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2014

 This is a banana spider. Super huge, super nasty, and they are everywhere. I wish I could have gotten a better picture.

 The swamp. Pretty water, huh? Nice and brown.

Me and my ward mission leader, Brother Gill! No, I wasn't actually fishing.. But I was posing with the rod, so that's a start. This, by the way, is probably the only time you'll see me in basketball shorts. My jeans hadn't arrived yet.

Things are going pretty good! My companion's getting transferred. That's not so good >:( I was supposed to have her her for another six weeks! At least that means I get to sleep on an actual bed now and not an air mattress. And I get my own closet! :D So I suppose there are some good things about it.

Snow is gross! It's only just starting to get chilly here. Lucky for me I bought myself a super cute blue peacoat at Dirt Cheap for... well, dirt cheap! Along with a dress I found for seven dollars. It was awesome.

Speaking of money, I had to return the bike I bought a couple of weeks ago. I had decided to buy a cheap one to save myself some money but it just wasn't going to cut it. But when I got to Walmart I found out they don't take bikes back unless you have a receipt, and I'd thrown away all my receipts the week before! Just to be safe though, I opened my wallet, and guess what? There was one receipt that had somehow managed not to get thrown away, and it was exactly the one I needed :) That was a miracle to me!

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