
Monday, October 28, 2013

It's Fall, Y'all!

Despite the title, I have so far managed not to say the word "y'all" a single time since I've gotten here! That's my goal for my mission, to go the full eighteen months without saying that word.

Anywho, the seasons are most definitely changing! We've had a few chilly days and I feel like half of our appointments were cancelled this week because people were sick. Somehow, though, we taught more lessons this week than we have so far! This week our goal is to hit 30 lessons. We were only four off last week so I think we can do it! 

Gary didn't end up getting baptized this Sunday. He just barely started a new job so he's really stressed financially and he was busy the two days before Sunday so he never got an interview done. But it WILL be getting done this week! We're probably going to have his daughter Alexis baptized the same day since we're finished with the lessons and she's more than ready. 

Last week a lady in the ward asked us to meet with a family who recently moved to Picayune. I was so excited! I've been wanting to teach a full family so badly! For the most part we've only been teaching one person at a time so far and I just really wanted to see the gospel change an entire family's lives. The Greenes seem really nice. They have three little girls who are full of energy and they're currently living in a trailer park. They lost everything they had in a fire so this is all kind of a new start for them. I really think they have a lot of potential. They've already come to church twice and they're very open to what we have to say. 

So, I didn't expect what people eat down here to be much different from back home, but a lot of it is! If anyone's curious, here are a few things I've gotten to try:
Boiled peanuts-My uncle mentioned these to me a few days before I left. You can find them in a lot of gas stations here but my ward mission leader made a batch himself. To me they kind of have the texture of potatoes. They're a little weird but pretty good. 
Gritz-I only just recently got to try gritz and still don't know how I feel about it. I sort of feel like I'm eating baby food. It's not too bad though, if you can get over the weird texture. 
Hush puppies-The best thing I've been able to try so far! Basically all they are is fried pieces of bread with jalapenos in them. They're so good! I need to learn how to make them so I can still have them when I go home. 
Crawfish-No. I'll admit, I haven't actually tried this one. I refuse to eat anything that still has legs and a tail. 
Fortunately for me, I haven't had to eat anything too bizarre yet. A lot of the missionaries here have eaten alligator though, so that's bound to happen eventually.

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