
Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014


Well, I don't have too much time because we have some people to see (today isn't much of a P Day for us) but I did say I was going to be better about keeping up with this thing so I thought I'd better write something! This week went pretty well! Sister Dailey and I used our spare time to visit those on our list of ward members we haven't met yet. We knocked a good amount of them off! Only 21 more people to meet! They'll be the more challenging ones because some of them live a good 40 miles away but we'll get it done somehow. 

This week Skyler, the one investigator we've been waiting to get to church, finally came! Woohoo! I think she's been wanting to come but it's harder for her because since she's still a kid she has to rely on her grandparents to get her there. But she made it this time! That means all five of our investigators made it to church this week! It's not exactly fun having so few investigators, but hey, how many missionaries can say that all of their investigators made it to church on the same Sunday? Probably not very many! We might not have too many investigators in Red Star but the ones we do have are golden. 

So on Wednesday night around midnight I woke up and our whole house was shaking. I thought we were in an earthquake for a minute! But it turned out it was actually thunder. Me being from Utah, I don't think I've ever seen a storm that bad! The lightning and thunder was just going nonstop for several minutes. We're surrounded by trees so I was terrified one of them was going to fall on our house. We did have some trees fall here and take out some power lines but luckily we were safe! Good thing we have the Lord on our side, eh? 

Oh yeah, and I also had the chance to try the thing I wasn't sure I'd ever be brave enough to try: crawfish. And I'm now convinced these things are called Mudbugs for a reason! They look like mutant bugs from some horror movie or something! I don't think it's even the taste that bothered me, I just can't get past how they look. But at least I can say I tried them! Now the last thing I have to tackle is alligator... (Not literally though. That would just be stupid.)


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