
Friday, April 18, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014: Just a Regular Week

Good morning everyone!

Sorry I didn't post anything last week. We've had some weird P Days the past couple of weeks that have been pretty much normal working days so I didn't have a lot of time to email. Luckily I didn't have a lot to update you on anyway! This week was good but pretty slow. Sister Dailey and I are hoping we start to get busy again. As much as I appreciate my extra study time a person can only read the scriptures and stay interested for so long! We also hit our seven month mark this week! We celebrated by going into town to get frozen yogurt. Twice. Rest assured, if I return from the south fat it will because of all the ice cream, not the fried food. 

We got to see Skyler twice this week and she's doing fantastic! Her baptismal date was set for May 3rd but we realized she could get baptized sooner than that since we're finished with the lessons, so we gave her her options and she chose the soonest date she could, which is this weekend! We're really excited. She's such a cute girl. She doesn't talk much in our lessons but you can really tell she's taking it all in. 
Oh, and for the first time since I came out on my mission I got to go on a full exchange  with the STL's, so I got to stay in Jackson for the weekend!Woohoo! It was fun! We even went tracting, which I hadn't done in three months! Fortunately, I hadn't forgotten how to do it. It's going to be weird to leave Red Star and go back to regular missionary life. That probably won't happen anytime soon, buy the way. Transfers are next week, but President basically told Sister Dailey and I we're both staying where we are. We probably won't be going anywhere. Although President does like to surprise us every once in a while. I'll find out what's happening for sure this Friday!

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