
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dear Family and Friends, 

You should all be really proud of me right now. 

I almost wasn't going to put up a blog post this week...but I reminded myself that I had promised to do better about keeping up with this thing, so I decided I'd better not fail this early on! 
Mostly I'd considered skipping it this week because not much missionary work really got done. No worries, I'm not slacking off. But I was sick for the past three days. Yeah. THREE DAYS. Do you know how long that is when you're on a mission? That's like a million years in NPS (Normal People Standard) Time! No TV, no books, no loving mother to fluff your pillow for you, nothing. You gotta get creative when you're a missionary and you're still sick, but you've slept so long you can't sleep anymore. 
In other words, the second half of this week involved a lot of writing, card playing, listening to the thunder storms outside (Side note--it rained all weekend! God loves me; he decided to save the crazy storm for when I couldn't work anyway--and thank goodness I didn't have to! It was crazy out there. We had lightning strike so close I swear I felt it, and then our smoke detector went off. Kind of odd) and tallying up how many times I was told how pale I looked. I just told them I always look that way and they must have just noticed :P 
But it wasn't too bad. One of the nice things about being sick on the mish is you realize how aware of you people are. A bunch of people in the ward texted us and asked if there was anything I needed and I had the other missionaries taking care of me too. It's pretty cool because as a missionary you sometimes feel so unnoticed and unwanted (I think it comes from getting doors slammed in your face X amount of times) but God always slips in little reminders that you are loved by Him and by others. Sometimes He decides to have you be sick so He can show you, but if that's the way He wanted it then I guess it's okay. 
Oh, and did I mention during those three days (and more) we had the other sister missionaries living with us? Their air conditioner decided to give out last week. In the middle of August?! Yikes! Let me tell you, fellow Utahns, we don't know what real heat is like. We don't have any idea how it feels to be standing there dripping sweat and honestly feeling like you can't breathe because it's so hot! Needless to say one afternoon eating lunch at their apartment was enough to make us take pity on their souls and let them move in for a bit. I know I grew up with four sisters, but I gotta say, the estrogen levels in that apartment were way too high after that ordeal! And our food supply is definitely much lower than I intended it to be! Looks like it's gonna be ramen noodles every night by the end of this month for this poor missionary...but it was fun. I think having other people there definitely made the time go faster. My sista from anotha mista and I were definitely happy to be sleeping in an apartment to ourselves last night, though! 

All in all, can't wait to get back to work this week. :) 

Hallelujah holla back, 
Sista Glenn

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