
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Pioneer Children Sang as they Walked...and Walked...and Walked...and STILL Walked...

Oh. My. Heavens. I don't think I have ever done this much walking in my entire life! 
No-car weeks really do a number on you! Every day Sister White and I walked from the other sisters' apartment to our area, spent the day walking around that area, and then walked back. And then we'd wake up and do it all again! One thing's for sure, I slept really good this week! You know that phrase, "I was asleep before my head hit the pillow?" Yeah, that can actually happen if you're tired enough! 

But here's a little story to show how aware of us God really is. One day we were walking down the highway, coming back from working in our area, and we were both just dead tired. We'd tried calling everyone we could think of who might be willing to give us a ride, and none of them had answered. Just when we'd accepted the fact that we were going to have to suffer through and drag ourselves all the way back to the other sisters' apartment, a car stopped and the lady driving said, "Can I give you a ride? I'm a member, I just don't come to church because I always work on Sundays." We happily piled in and she took us home. She said she'd been driving the other way but she saw us walking the other way but she just had to turn around and get us because she knows how hot it gets and knew how tired we must be. We're pretty lucky she saw us! 
But besides all the walking we did this week, we also had zone conference! Woot! I got to be reunited once again with my dear sweet Sister Dailey! *sob* I miss that girl so much! Who knows when we'll be seeing each other again. I also got to hear the goodbye testimonies of some very good friends. I'm getting to the point where a lot of my mission friends are starting to go home. It's happy but so sad too! That's one of the hardest things about a mission. You think the goodbyes stop at the MTC but that's completely untrue! You're saying goodbye to more and more people you've grown to love all the time! But I suppose when it comes down to it, it's all worth it. Your heart just keeps learning to get bigger and bigger to make room for all the new people you're growing to love. That's a good feeling, and it (almost) makes up for the goodbyes. 

Oh! And I finally got to go Mugshots this week! I heard about it from Sister Parsons way back when I was in Picayune. They've got this HUGE burger there where if you eat it in 12 minutes, you don't have to pay. Yeah, I didn't try it. But I did get the Kahuna burger! It was a hamburger with fried pineapple and barbecue sauce on it. It was so good! 

Here's a picture of the Kahuna burger, as well as a raccoon that came to a member's house we were visiting to get some food. (Yes, she feeds the raccoons--I was pretty surprised myself) the pictures not very good which is too bad cause we could see the little guy really well! 

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