
Friday, February 27, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015: A Report from Me for the First Time in a Long Time

As promised, I'm making sure to get on this thing and let all of you know what's been going on in my life for the past couple of months! However I have a time limit on this computer and some of the keys on this keyboard don't work very well so I'm sorry if this seems a bit jumbled.

As far as I can tell, the last time I updated this thing was November 10th, when I was still serving with Sister Harr, so let me tell you what's gone on since then! I killed Sister Harr off and then started training Sister Elms! Now, that was an interesting transfer, because not only was I training, but our entire distrcit was training as well! President called us the Meridian MTC. That was definitely one of my favorite districts I've had on the mission. We just had a lot of fun together. 

It was everyone's first Christmas on the mission besides me and Elder Meyer, so we made it our goal to make it as awesome as possible! I would say we succeeded. (See pictures below) We also celebrated my second birthday on the mission and as good as my last one was in Picayune, I would say this one managed to be just as good! They scheduled our Christmas zone conference on my birthday, so that was fun. 

As for investigators, Cynthia and her family were our main focus. They are doing so good! I'm so sure they're going to get there. They only had a little bit left to be taught when I left. Cynthia still needs to quit smoking, but once that happens they'll be good to go! 

Then right after Christmas I got transferred to Laurel. It was a bit of a surprise since I hadn't finished training Sister Elms but I'm happy to be able to finish off in a 12 week area rather than a 6 week one. I'm now serving in Laurel with Sister Stacey, who is so sweet! She's been sick for almost a transfer now, but we just took her to the hospital for a CT scan this morning so hopefully we'll be able to know what's going on this week. Then hopefully we'll be able to get out and start working the area again! I think great things can happen in Laurel. 

And that pretty much sums up the past couple months! Yesterday was my 16 month mark, so I don't have much farther to go. Pretty crazy! 
If we weren't the most Christmasy district for zone conference I don't know who was. All of the trainers wore Sana hats and the trainees wore elf hats. Oh, and we won the BOSH (cleanest car) awards...twice! Not bad, eh?

This house was right down the street from us and they're lights were set up to go along with different Christmas songs. We visited it a lot during Christmas time.

We got to go see the Singing Christmas Tree at Highland Baptist Church. That was really cool!

Sister Elms and I got to make Christmas trees out of frosting at the Campbell's. Isn't my daughter so cute???

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