
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ok! So first, pictures and tender mercies:

Tuesday we had transfers, so we went with the elders to T-Point so we could say goodbye to a few friends who are leaving us once again. While we waited for new people to come, we went with Sister Frandsen (another sister in our district) to email and get lunch at Tophers, which turns out to be one of the best burger places in Mississippi! It was really good, and the manager apparently likes missionaries a lot so he was nice to us. He told us if he had sons, he's let us marry them :P

Wednesday was getting to play Resto Jenga with Jayden, this awesome young woman in our ward, and Hailley, one of our investigators. This game lasted longer than any game I've ever played--and believe me, I've played this more than a few times on my mission. Finally when there were absolutely no more pieces that could be safely moved Jayden carefully removed a piece that should have made the whole thing fall--but it didn't! Instead it slanted and stayed firm. Then I took out the other side and behold, it remained standing! If you look you can still see the two pieces close to the top impossibly standing on top of each other. That was just a funny thing and I was so grateful to have Jayden there to be a friend for our investigator.
Friday evening we got called by the young women asking if we could help them out with something. We came to the church to find strawberries for days all over the kitchen! Turns out they were making chocolate covered strawberries to give to the women in the branch for a fundraiser (they'd told the priesthood men about it ahead of time and they'd secretly ordered a dozen strawberries for their wives--it was pretty sneaky cause I hadn't heard a thing about it). We don't have a ton of youth in the branch--actually Jayden is technically the only active young woman right now--so they were a little shorthanded. We had tons of fun helping and they even sent us home with a few strawberries for ourselves--you know, just to make sure they weren't poisoned or anything. Don't worry, they were perfectly safe and they didn't even last the night.

Saturday we had a Johnny Lingo night at the church! Fun fact, did you know that's actually not a commonly known movie outside of Utah? I thought you were required to watch Johnny Lingo before you could be a member of this church! :P So Sister Stacey and I got a good kick out of watching everyone's reactions to this super old, super cheesy movie. Then afterwards we decorated cookies in the cultural hall. We had a ton of investigators there so I'd say it was a successful night!

And I'll just go ahead and include yesterday in this post so I don't forget next week. Sister Stacey and I decided to use some of our P-Day shopping for stuff we'd both been hoping to find for a while. Most importantly, I was on a hunt for a Mississippi necklace. So we went to a couple of southern antique shops in hopes that they would find something. In the upstairs section of one of the shops, we found this little gem among a bunch of odds and ends: a Utah plate, with the Salt Lake City temple on it (ignore the mad woman to the left who looks like she got rained on--we weren't gonna let a little storm stop us from our search!) Crazy! Oh, and I found my Mississippi necklace. It only cost 9 bucks too, which is pretty good, since most of the ones I've found have been around 30 dollars. I'm too cheap to pay that much so I was so happy about finding this one, which just so happens to be the one I like the most out of all the ones I've seen, too.

That's all for this week! Thanks for tuning in!

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