
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

We have a new opportunity for service here! There's a senior citizens' center nearby that needs piano teachers, and since my companions and I play we're going to help teach them! I'm excited about that. I hope I know enough to teach it. 

We've had a lot of really great moments this week! We set to more baptismal dates, one for a boy named Cory and one for Clint. I can't remember if I've talked about Clint already or not but he's one of my favorite investigators right now. He's in a wheelchair right now because of a stroke and is relearning how to walk. In ways this is nice because that means we have to send someone to pick him up for church...which means he has to go no matter what! :P He loves it there. Whenever I see him at church he's always smiling so big. He knows the church is true and he's ready to be baptized. His only problem is he's afraid he won't be able to stop smoking but I know he can do it!

I thought being in the Bible belt would make missionary work hard, but in many ways it doesn't. Everybody we talk to already believes in God and Jesus Christ. To them it's just a fact that they are there, not a question, so the foundation has already been laid for many of the people we teach! Many people are happy to listen to our message "and any message having to do with Jesus". We do get the occasional purpose who tell us they've found Jesus and we should go bother some of the nonbelievers, but for the most part people are very open and even if they don't want to listen they tell us how much they respect us for doing what we do. 

Last week we went fishing with the elders and our ward mission leader. Well, everyone else went fishing and I watched. When they asked why I wasn't fishing I said, "I'm afraid I might catch one." It was a lot of fun anyway, though.

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