
Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Not too much to say this week. Things tend to get pretty routine out here. I'm starting to get into the rhythm of things which is good. One more week and I think I'll be pretty comfortable with being a missionary. 

We've got several investigators we're teaching right now which I feel grateful for. We don't tract much because we're usually teaching a lesson! That's lucky, because other people in our district talk about how they can tract all day and never be let in. Meanwhile when we do tract we're usually let in by at least one person. 

There's one new investigator I wanted to talk about, and for the sake of her privacy we'll call her Sara. We've been teaching Sara's father for quite some time; he was supposed to be baptized several weeks ago but due to some family circumstances that's been postponed. Anyway, when we taught him last he asked if he could bring his ten year old daughter along, so we pulled out our Plan of Salvation diagram and explained that to her. She loved it. At the end she said, "I want to go to this church now. You just answered a lot of questions I've had that no other church I've been to has been able to answer." We offered her a Book of Mormon to read, and by the way she looked at it, it might as well have been a bowl full of candy. That was such an awesome thing to see, someone wanting to know the truth of the gospel so badly, especially at such a young age. I think my favorite part of being out here so far is being able to see that what we teach is familiar to people. They get this look on their face almost as if they've heard what we're saying before. 

Also, I've had a few people asking me how biking in a skirt works (we share a car with the elders, so we're biking every other week). My answer? It doesn't. I think I've flashed every person in Picayune. But I do have a bit of advice for soon-to-be sister missionaries who are headed for a biking mission. Get skirts made of heavy material that isn't too flowy so it doesn't fly up. I did the exact opposite and got lightweight, flowy skirts, because I didn't want to be too hot down here! Oh well. I'll just have to made do with what I have and hope other people can learn from my mistakes.
I think that's it for today! Have a wonderful week!

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