
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014: I'm Leaving Picayune!

Well, the time has come. I'm very, very sad to say I'm leaving Picayune. I really hoped I would get just one more transfer here but I guess not. I'm headed to Wesson, Mississippi, which is actually Sister Parsons' last area. It has a population of 1200 people--when the community college is in session (and why there's a community college there is beyond me). That's smaller than my high school! Oh yeah, and I'm going to be living in the only trailer in the mission. So...this should be interesting! I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous. It's kind of a hard area. But it'll be fine and I've heard the branch there is awesome. 
Well, other than being told that I'm leaving the best place on earth, this week was pretty good. We went over to Clint's and thankfully he was still there! Fortunately for us our other investigator, Jonathan, who is Clint's next door neighbor, has been taking care of Clint. He happened to be there when we came by actually, so we just taught them together and it went so well! We were planning on going over the baptismal questions with Clint so we stuck to that plan, and the whole time Jonathan and Clint were kind of teaching each other. It was awesome. I was kind of nervous too because we hadn't talked about the word of wisdom with Jonathan yet and he had mentioned the day before that he had no intentions of quitting smoking. But when we brought it up in the baptismal questions and explained it to him he said, "Well I wasn't planning on quitting...but I guess I am now!" I admire their faith so much. If I was in their shoes, I don't know if I would accept something like the word of wisdom so easily. Jonathan and Clint now want to be baptized on the same day--February 15. I wish I could be here for it. Also, Clint's mom is doing really well. She should be coming home this week. 
We've also been working with a less active in our ward named Dixie. She's really cool. She has two kids living at home with her. Jackson is twelve and very loyal to our church even though he hasn't gone in a long time. Julianne is eight and wants to be baptized, so we've started teaching them the lessons. We taught the Plan of Salvation last week and I think it touched Dixie more than anybody. She said when she had first joined the church in her late twenties she had sat in with the Young Women, and they had talked about the sort of things they should be looking for in a spouse--you know, return missionary, can take you to the temple--stuff like that. She was like, "If I'd just been told that when I was younger I could have skipped over so many mistakes!" And then she got really quiet and she said, "I want all that for her. (Julianne) I want primary, Young Women, the temple, everything." I really don't think I fully realized what an influence those sort of things have made in my life. I'm really lucky to have had that. And I'm excited for this family! Dixie's just having a rough time getting back to church but I know she's going to get there. We also set Julianne's baptism for February 15 as well. New goal--find an excuse to get down to Picayune that day! 

Also, here is my new address for anyone who wants to write me/send me happy stuff! 
1020 Hill Street Lot 26
Wesson, MS 39191

Love you all!

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