
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014: On Doubting and Agency

Hello everyone! It's been a great week!

We're still working really hard with Clint. I really love that guy. He can't remember things very well but he loves the church and he has such a strong desire to do what's right--plus we found out this week he's been trying to get everyone around him to come to church with him! He's like a missionary already! Anyway, Clint's going to be baptized in just a few weeks, so, after church yesterday we showed him the baptismal font so he knew what it would be like. We were planning on it being a quick thing but it ended up being one of the most spiritual moments on my mission so far. He's really nervous about getting baptized, because he can't walk so he doesn't see how he's going to be able to get in and out of the font. We promised him that God had commanded him to be baptized, so He was going to provide a way for him to do it. I think Clint left feeling a little better, though still afraid. It's just so funny how much we doubt ourselves! Clint's problem is not that he doesn't want to do the things we've invited him to. It's just that he doesn't think he can. Like with smoking, he didn't think he could quit, and he was very afraid to try. And now he's been going strong for over a month! So I know he can get baptized too. I'm very confident that he'll make his date.

Yesterday while tracting we knocked on this older couple's door. After talking to them for a little while, they invited us in. We taught them the restoration and the spirit was SO strong. I can't think of many times I've felt it that strong in a lesson before. And you could tell they were feeling it! But at the end when we invited them to read the Book of Mormon, they said no. My heart just dropped. It was sad because you could tell they knew it was true; it was almost like he was fighting inside himself to say no! One of the hardest things out here for me is realized that people have their agency and even after all you can do, they can still choose not to accept your message.

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