
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014: First Week in Meridian

Good morning! 

This week has been really good! I'm liking Meridian a lot, although I'm still adjusting to the fact that I'm now in my fourth area on the mission. Pretty weird. I'm thinking I'll only have one area after this and then I'll be finished! unless President plans to keep me in an area for only one transfer from now on, in which case I've got a few to go. :P

But I think Meridian will be good for me! The ward is a little smaller than the ones I've been in in the past but it's kind of fun that way. And I love Sister White! I think we'll get along just fine. She's the sort of person who's pretty chill about everything so she's pretty easy to work with. She only came out six weeks after than me too, so we're pretty close in mission age. 

I'm wondering if every week here will be as different as this one was. We were doing a lot of service this week, and there were transfers, and I was sick for half of it, so overall it was kind of interesting. 

Tuesday--Transfers! I said my goodbyes to Sister Cook and Sister Hansen (and Sister Dailey--she's so far away from me now! *sob*) and headed off to Meridian! There really wasn't much time left in our P-Day by the time we got here so we had lunch, did a little more emailing, and grocery shopped. Then we had dinner at the Bryants and helped load some food storage boxes into the Slaughter's (Bishop's family) home. Bahaha. They're a funny family. When I shook Bishop's hand he greeted me and said, "Welcome to the Slaughter house." Very clever. :)

Wednesday--We had district meeting and then went to the Slaughters to help sort the food storage. Just a little back story for you: the Mitchells, a family in the ward who are in the process of moving (more about that later too) had a ton of food storage boxes they wouldn't be able to fit in their trailer, so they donated it to the ward, and Bishop selected twelve families to give some of the boxes too. So we spent the afternoon working out what was going with who and pushing boxes back and forth and whatnot and learning about all the weird food storage stuff you can get from the church. Did anyone else know you can get dehydrated tuna/sausage for your food storage? I sure didn't. Oh, and we stole some of the good stuff for ourselves. The hot cocoa mix is really good :) 

Thursday--We tracted and tried potentials for a long time. We currently don't have too many investigators; Meridian has a ton of less-actives though so that's kind of what the bishop has wanted us to focus on a lot. That evening we had dinner with the Blaylocks. I think I'm going to like that family a lot. Sister Blaylock is really cool; she went to school for deaf education, which I'm planning on going into, but ended up going the speech pathology route instead (which I've also considered) so we had a good conversation with that. She's also into pottery, which is one form of art I've never gotten to try before but have always kind of wanted to! She says one P-Day she's gonna show us how which I'm pumped for! 

Friday--My throat had been a little scratchy on Wednesday and Thursday, but I woke up on Friday with my throat so sore I could barely swallow or talk. Not too surprising, since that happens to me about a million times a year. I got ready and did my personal study but ended up forgoing weekly planning and going back to bed. That afternoon we went the Slaughters to deliver the food storage to a few families and then they fed us dinner. They take good care of us; it seems like every time we leave their house we always come home with more food! 

Saturday--We set our morning aside to help Sister Mitchell out. See, the Mitchells are wanting to move to Panama City (not sure why exactly) but they're not able to move there yet and they've already sold their house, so their moving temporarily to a trailer where they can live month to month until they're able to move to Panama City. So we spent a lot of Saturday helping Sister Mitchell clean out her pantry. It was lots of fun, and we managed to acquire a good amount of food out of it for ourselves, too. I'm pretty sure we're set as far as food goes for a while. 

Sunday--First Sunday in a new ward! Those are always fun. A small young family who has moved down from Arkansas came to church seeking some help, so after church Sister White and I had the opportunity to go with Sister Caraway, the relief society president, to get some of the things they needed. Kind of a different Sunday, but fun. And pretty neat to see how the church welfare system works and what goes on "behind the scenes" and stuff. Then we went to the Slaughter's for dinner and talked to some of the youth about the role they play in missionary work--which I love to do! I feel like the youth have so many opportunities to do missionary work in their regular lives and it's something I wish I would have done more of when I was younger so I love getting them excited about it. 

And...that's my week! No pictures this time I'm afraid. Next time for sure :) 

I realized something interesting about myself this week. As I've been making conversation with Sister White, I realized that most of the stories I tell her have to do with Clinton, Red Star (LOTS of Red Star) Picayune, and my companions. I talk a lot more now about my mission experiences than my home life because, well...that was forever and doesn't seem very real anymore! it sort of a weird feeling but it's good, too. It makes me feel like I've been out long enough and I've had enough experiences that I know what I'm doing a little better than I used to :) 

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