
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tuesday, July 16, 2014: Curve Balls

Those of you who regularly check my blog might remember that last week I said I might be moving. And I am...across Mississippi! Ha ha. I definitely didn't see that coming! But it's true, I'm leaving Clinton already. I'll be going to Meridian with Sister White, and Sister Hansen and Sister Cook will be staying here. President McDonough is really trying to get rid of trios, and I guess he decided this was the best way to do it for us. It's still kind of weird, though. Staying in an area for only one transfer is pretty unusual, at least for our mission. After we got off the phone with President on Saturday Sister Cook made the comment, "You've had more curve balls thrown at you on your mission than any missionary I've ever known." And it's kind of true! Ever since President changed my assignment from Wesson to Red Star on the way to transfer point six months ago I feel like he's thrown all kinds of curve balls at me and I don't really know why. It's definitely keeping me on my toes. I won't even write "Meridian" on the inside of my planner yet because I'm afraid he might change his mind at the last minute!
But in a weird way all of these curve balls have strengthened my testimony that God is in the little details of everything. Even though I didn't get to be in Clinton very long I learned a lot. 
So with that, I'll be letting you know how my first week goes very soon! Can't wait to see what's ahead!

One day we were walking along and all of a sudden these ducks just waddled by. Kind of random! And they weren't scared of us at all.

Me glaring at Sister Hansen. I asked her to take a picture of me with one of the ducks pretty much touching my fingers, but she waited too long and missed the chance. :P

 Brother Kynerd and his sister, Carol (she's the sweetest lady ever)

Danielle, who will be getting baptized very soon :)

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