
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014: Fourth of July and Other Stuff

Is it really P-Day already?! This week went so fast! 

I'm going to have to be quick about this post because we're getting our emailing done a little later than usual and we still have lots to do today. But my dad said he liked it when I broke down my week, so I'm going to go ahead and do that again and if it's full of typos I'm sorry! 

Monday--I finally managed to get my permanent retainer fixed! The glue came off of part of it a long while ago so I really needed to get it taken care of. Uninteresting for all of you people? Maybe. But to me it was one of God's tender mercies because I just so happen to be in Clinton where Brother Boone lives, and he's a dentist. So he was willing to fix my retainer and it thankfully didn't cost me a cent! Thank goodness! The world is full of such good people :) 

Tuesday--We went to see Brother Kynerd and Carol, two of my favorite people. Brother Kynerd had us make a tomato sandwich--just a sandwich with tomatoes, salt and pepper, and mayonnaise (unless you're me) I've never seen him eat one before, but for some reason it made me think of my dad. Probably just because we used some really yummy homegrown tomatoes :) 

Wednesday--There was no district meeting this week, so we had a full day! We also had a few appointments that were going to be far away on Thursday, so we decided to have Thirsty Thursday on Wednesday! Yuck. I don't think I'm ever going to like biking. Especially when it's hot and sweaty and humid! 
First we went to see Brother Patterson and shared the spiritual thought I should have shared on Sunday. I think it went well :) We did a pretty good amount of tracting and then that evening we went to dinner at Sister Lewis'! Her son Charlie offered to feed us, and oh my heavens, it was so good! He cooked a bunch of pork and chicken on the grill for us and he did a fantastic job. They also invited over their neighbors which was a great missionary opportunity for us! Especially considering we'd tracted their street a few weeks before so even though I didn't recognize them I'm sure they recognized us! I think having dinner with them and getting to talk to them showed that we missionaries are normal people (for the most part). One of the couples even said they wanted to take us out for lunch sometime! I hope we'll be seeing more of them. 

Thursday--We tracted in Jackson! (A small portion of Jackson is in my area) We were hoping since it was a holiday lots of people would be home with their families, but we tracted for three hours and almost no one answered the door! Kind of disappointing. But as we were walking back to our car we passed a family that was playing Two Square (Yes, two square, not four square--don't ask me what it is) together, so we talked to the mother a bit about the Book of Mormon and she was interested in hearing more! Woohoo! So if we get to teach that family, then all of that tracting was worth it. :) 
Our dinner appointment that night ended up falling through, so I decided we needed to throw a party ourselves! We cooked some hot dogs and roasted marshmallows over the stove. We even tried to watch fireworks when we heard them going off, but even though they were shooting them off only a few blocks away, we couldn't see them. Mississippi just has so many trees! 

Friday--Weekly planning, then we went to see Danielle with Sister Carr. I think it was a really good visit. Also, Danielle has a friend she talked to a little bit about the gospel. It would be really cool if we could start teaching her! 

Saturday--We did a LOT of tracting and contacting. A lot. It was exhausting! But good. We're really trying to find more investigators so that's going to take a lot of searching. Saturday went a lot like the fourth of July; nobody answered or let us in for a long time but at the very end one lady let us right in. She acted like she knew us, but we were sure we didn't know her. Finally we just admitted we weren't sure who she was. Turns out, she had been taking care of Sister Cronin, a lady in our ward who had just died, for five years! She came to the funeral and she's been to our church a few times, so she recognized us. We told her a little about the Book of Mormon and she was very eager to start reading it. She says she's ready to hear the truth. This lady has been so prepared! I think really good things are going to happen with her. :)

Sunday--We had dinner with all of the Boones, which is something they do every week. We weren't really sure what we were going to share with them so we picked a verse from the Book of Mormon and invited them to share a Book of Mormon with someone they know. We offered to give them a Book of Mormon if they needed one. To our surprise, several of them said they would like one, and told us about someone they knew who they had been meaning to give a Book of Mormon to. We ended up placing four Book of Mormons that day--and those who didn't take one said they had a copy at home and they would find someone to give it to! Honestly, I wasn't expecting that. I've planned out some pretty detailed lessons challenging members to share what they believe and had nothing come of it. But we simply bore out testimonies of the converting power of the Book of Mormon and a lot of people took the challenge! Pretty cool! 
Also Danielle surprised us by coming to church on Sunday! She was supposed to be going to Arkansas so we weren't expecting to see her there! And she told us she had a surprise, but she wasn't going to tell us what it was. Well, actually she said, "Fine, I'll tell you. I'm leaving the church." Well, she's also told us she was going back to her old church and that she's started smoking again before, and was completely joking, so I wasn't buying it. Finally, after using my best pestering abilities, she said, "Fine! I'm thinking about getting baptized one the 27th!" Oh my heavens! We absolutely screamed! :D That lady is crazy. I love her so much :) 

Well, those are pretty much the highlights of my week! Sorry it's so long! 

Oh, and I finally have a picture for you guys:

Ah, the south. I'm going to miss seeing stuff like this on a regular basis when I go home! 
Also, I'm probably going to be moving out this week, so for now just send any mail you have for me to the mission address!

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